Friday, 15 August 2008

timeline & budget templates

Just wanted to post the templates I made (kinda - with the help of iWork), in case anyone wanted to use them... I made them in the Mac version of Excel - Numbers... which is much prettier and transfers pretty nastily to Excel. Anyway, you can have either the Numbers, Excel, or a pdf to use or pretend to use. It really does help though so do it!

Timeline, semester 2, 2008. Review dates etc, blank for all your busyness.

Budget. Input for income, expenses, handy little graph and a fancy other helpful thingy.
And there's really no point giving you the pdf for this one. Save your ink.

Last semester I invested a big chunk of time in iCal, then printed each month out calendar style - helpful, but useless now that my laptop died. Again. But the iCal print options are pretty snazzy, check 'em out.

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